Yoga in Modern Times

Yoga in Modern Times


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Yoga, this word can be the solution for any problem whether it is physical or mental especially, in modern times where every third person is having problem with weight gain, depressed and trying to live his/her life peacefully. The word ‘Yoga’ is taken from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ ’or ‘to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga guide us to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature.

In modern times, yoga must be a compulsory part of our lives. As we all know, how our lives are wholly occupied with technologies. T.V., phones , laptops , video games and many more gadgets keeps us busy as well as unhealthy. I know these things are necessary for our development but there should be a limit of using these gadgets and one who can set the limit is only the one who is addicted to these modern gadgets. Not every time, a modern problem requires modern solutions, sometimes modern problems can be solved by traditional solutions and the solution is Yoga. There are abundant advantages of yoga,  let’s have look on its various advantages , how it helps one in living a life which healthy in both ways ,mentally as well as physically:

  • Improves Concentration: Nowadays , gadgets especially mobile phones became an essential part of day to day life. Whenever a person gets free firstly, he will check his/her  phone ,of course this shows the addiction towards phones . In recent studies it was found that how these gadgets affect our focus and concentration. Regular yoga will improve the coordination and reaction time. It will also help one in concentrating  his/her work and will reduce the problem of distracting, especially for students. 

  • Build StrengthIf you want to increase the strength of your body, yoga is the first step you must take. During the age of 40-50, our body starts  losing muscle mass , we will become weak and  will depend on others , but by performing  yoga on a regular basis we can prevent this. In modern times it is very necessary to take care of ourselves as everyone is so busy around us and no one has enough time to take care of yours. 

  • Improves flexibilityYoga is the only way to remain flexible for the whole life. Knee pain and back pain are very common, nowadays. It is due to improper alignment of our bones. Yoga will help in maintaining flexibility. 

  • Manage StressNowadays, stress is the main and common problem , not only for elders but also for teenagers and children also. By performing meditation and breathing exercises on a regular basis, one can reduce his/her stress. It not only provides mental well being but also provides calmness and mental clarity to mind.

  • Helps in Curing DiseaseThe bhujangasana or the cobra pose and the kapalbhati  helps in heart disease , Surya namaskar and Pathahasthsanam for diabetes , and breathing exercise helps in all disease like Asthma ,  hypertension  and blood pressure  almost every yoga posture will help one in curing any disease. 

Yoga has endless advantages. Daily yoga will give you a different type of energy and confidence. It will keep u away from any disease. It may be difficult in the beginning but once you start to do yoga on a daily basis it will be hard to live without yoga for a single day.


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