What is Scholarship and Fellowship, Difference Between These Two

Scholarship: What it is?


Scholarships are grants, awards, or financial aids awarded to students who have excelled academically.  A student must earn good grades, exceptional academic scores, and demonstrate educational achievement in order to receive this financial aid. A number of educational institutions grant it including universities, colleges, and schools. There are scholarships offered by both public and private schools. There are different criteria for scholarships for different educational institutions, depending on the coursework and degree. The schools, colleges, and universities offering scholarship programs are national and international in nature. Depending on the requirements and eligibility, the scholarship program can award a certain amount of money. Besides covering tuition and other education-related expenses, the fund also covers things like accommodation, travel, food, and food.

Scholarships are available at all educational levels, including schools, colleges, and universities. In addition to educational scholarships, sports scholarships and other types of scholarships also exist. Scholarship programs have made studying abroad very popular among students. Students with low financial resources can access free international education through these programs. There is no repayment associated with a scholarship. Therefore, the students are not obligated to pay back any of the funds. Scholars can receive scholarships that cover 100% of their education expenses or only a portion of it, depending on their eligibility. You can only become a scholarship recipient by excelling in academics and extracurricular activities.

What Expenses are Covered under Scholarships:

Tuition Fees: Under a scholarship, the tuition fee is the primary component that is covered. Most reputed universities charge a high tuition fee for courses such as data science, engineering, aviation, and medicine for courses offered across the globe. The number of students taking part in scholarship programs to study abroad is growing every year. Scholarships abroad can also be awarded based on an excellent performance in test scores, such as IELTS and TOEFL. According to the eligibility requirements, all or parts of the tuition fee can be covered.

Accommodations: Foreign universities with a solid education system and plenty of work opportunities are always preferred over domestic universities. In most cases, student scholarships cover all living and accommodation expenses, including food, rent, and utilities. Thus, students who are going to prestigious universities with huge tuition bills will have less to worry about financially.

Travelling: Most students are unable to afford the visa fees and airfares that come with studying abroad. Travel expenses are covered by a scholarship grant. There are differences between institutions, however. Different schemes have different requirements. Depending on the university, some scholarships might provide 100% funding, while others might cover 50%.

Study materials and books: Accessibility is often a concern when acquiring technical studies or books. A scholarship program thus covers study material costs. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this program and pursue higher education.

Various Types of Scholarships:

Merit-Based Scholarship: Scholarships awarded based on academic excellence are termed merit-based scholarships. It is up to the scholarship donor to determine whether an applicant meets the prerequisite academic requirements or any other criteria. A merit-based scholarship recognizes a high GPA, strong scores in standardized tests, and strong academic performance.

Need-Based Scholarship: The FAFSA results determine the number of need-based scholarships students can receive. In truth, need-based scholarships are always regarded as grants, not scholarships. All students need to be financially disadvantaged to be eligible for this type of scholarship is to belong to a poor or low-income family.

Student's-Specific Scholarships: Scholarships that are offered specifically to students that the scholarship donor selects are called students-specific scholarships. Thus, scholarships would be available for students who fell into that category. Considering academic excellence and other factors is not an issue in this case.

Career-Specific Scholarships: It is always a reflection of the values of the donor to endow such a scholarship. An organization or school granting this type of scholarship selects a specific field of study in which they wish to concentrate and offers scholarships within that particular field of study.

College-Specific Award: This type of scholarship is offered by colleges and universities to their most talented students.

There are many more types of Scholarships are available to grab such as Community Service Scholarships, Minority Category Scholarships, Athletic Scholarships, Religious Scholarships, Scholarship for Girls etc.

Fellowship: What it is?


A fellowship is a monetary award provided to outstanding university students. Scholarships and fellowships are two very different things. Fellowships award research scholars and PhD holders a certain amount of money or just a certain level of status in exchange for their efforts to improve the education system. Only members of academic institutions can apply since they aren't paid or employed. After graduation, scholars are awarded, fellowships. Scholars and researchers can get monetary rewards for their contributions to research and development. By participating in the education system, aspirants can pursue advanced studies. Contributions may come in the form of an actual table or computer, or they may come in the form of a monetary fund.

A fellowship program is for fellows that are pursuing courses like PhDs. Taking part in their research and taking it to the next level is what they do. A financial aid package is offered to these researchers to keep their research work going in recognition of their contribution. The research fellows do not always receive financial assistance and simply receive recognition as members of an organization. Courses at the university or school level are not affected by the policy. Postgraduate fellowships cover research-related work. Fellowship program participants can also gain experience, status, and funds by teaching at the respective academic institutions.

Different Types of Fellowship:

Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellowships: Scholarships for doctoral and postdoctoral programs are awarded to students who do research on a specific subject. Their contributions are enormous to the educational system. Researchers get a lifetime stipend, the opportunity to perform temporary work as lecturers and greater job prospects via a PhD fellowship. As a PhD fellow, the scholar will also be entitled to a prestigious reputation within a particular academic institution where the degree is being studied.

Medical Fellowship: Fellowships are awarded to physicians who complete their general medicine courses and select one of many specialities within the medical field. Medicine fellowships are available for certain subjects and there are various medical niches. The key to becoming a master practitioner in medicine is to excel in their field. Many medical schools help these scholars work on their research projects and practice medicine. Their further research and development work is supported by monetary grants in exchange.

Here is the difference between Fellowship and Scholarship:




  • The definition of a scholarship is a financial grant given to outstanding students.
  • A particular course's educational cost is included.
  • Scholars may be awarded grants that will cover all the educational costs necessary to pursue a particular course.
  • Fellowships are awards given to researchers and Scholars who have displayed excellence in research and academic contributions towards a particular area of expertise.
  • Sometimes it entails monetary awards so that scholars can pursue more research or other times it is all about the status of belonging to a specific research institute. 
  • Scholarships are awarded to students at school, college and university levels.
  • Scholarships are available to all students, regardless of their educational level.
  • Scholarships are available from colleges, universities, and private schools.
  • Only courses following graduation are eligible for fellowships.
  • Graduates, doctoral candidates, and postdoctoral scholars are eligible for the course.
  • Research and development-related courses are the sole focus of a fellowship.
  • Undergraduate degrees and schooling are irrelevant for Fellowship.
  • Tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, utilities and
  • Travel expenses and book study materials are all included in a scholarship.
  • Among the many types of fellowships are granted that are monetary and non-monetary.
  • A student can receive financial aid, a job, a research opportunity, and a university position.
  • The financial crisis and need are emphasized in scholarship decisions.
  • The scope of research and merit of fellows is at the heart of fellowships.
  • During the scholarship program, the students receive a scholarship amount for their well-being.
  • In the hope of encouraging meritorious students from under-resourced backgrounds, scholarships are offered.
  • A student is not required to repay the funds that he or she receives. 
  • Fellowships are paid to support the education system.
  • Contributing to the advancement of the educational system.
  • The researchers work in research and development.
  • Scholarships only provide financial assistance to students.
  • Neither employment benefits, status, nor any other opportunities will be offered in exchange for this.
  • A fellowship does not depend exclusively on financial assistance.
  • Often this comes in the form of rewards, such as awareness, status, and employment.
  • Sometimes nothing more than a desk and computer are promised to the research fellows.
  • Educational institutions and universities provide students with this kind of assistance.
  • Fellowship is not a form of assistance; it is rather an award for individuals who have actively contributed to education.
  • Research professionals contribute to the improvement of areas they study.
  • Research and development contributions from students improve the quality of education.

What are Scholarship and Fellowship   the Difference Scholarship and Fellowship   the difference between Fellowship and Scholarship   Scholarship   Fellowship   Types of Scholarships   Merit-Based Scholarship   Fellowship What it is   What Expenses are Covered under Scholarships   Scholarship What it is   Need-Based Scholarship   Career-Specific Scholarships   Students-Specific Scholarships   Different Types of Fellowship   Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellowships   Medical Fellowship  Scholarship vs Fellowship  Fellowship Vs Scholarship  



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