The QR CODE and Some Innovative Ways Can be Used for Small Business Marketing

The QR CODE and Some Innovative Ways Can be Used for Small Business Marketing:

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QR code

  • QR Code - Nowadays QR Codes are widely used by small businesses, hotels, cafeteria, shopping malls and many more organizations for Bill payments or money transfer mostly. Every QR Code is just a typical Barcode that contains much more information compared to simple Barcodes. In appearance, a QR Code and Barcode is very different. QR Codes appears Square in shapes, which have angled markers and more squares inside its body. A QR Code can store information of about 4296 characters which is more than enough for any URL, web address or email address and much more.
  • “QR” means “QUICK RESPONSE”, as per its name it let the user have quick access to the information or data it has in it when it gets scanned. QR codes can easily be scanned by a smartphone in today’s time and user can use the services it offers, like bill payments, URL, web addresses, email id etc.
  • Back in 1994, a Toyota supplier invented the QR Codes. The supplier was known as DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, they created QR Codes for the Automotive industries in Japan. The Phrase “QR CODE” is registered by the DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED. HOW A QR CODE WORK: - One has to generate a QR Code so that it can work or can be used by someone then a user can use a smartphone to read the information of QR Code by scanning it.  A QR Code
  • To generate a QR Code we will need a QR Code Generator. It is a software application that helps a user to generate a QR Code image. There are a lot of websites and applications on various platforms which offers this service and can be used to generate a QR code. These services are free as well as paid. Once a QR code is generated then we can share it via postcards, banners, cards, menu, templates or as an image.
  • A user can simply open their camera app and can scan a QR code or various QR code scanner apps are available to do this task.

There are two types of QR Codes-

  • Static QR Code: QR Code which possesses static information known as Static QR Code means once a QR code is generated with specific information then that information can’t be changed later. This kind of QR code can be used for Restaurants where the menu is almost fixed, for Visiting or Business Cards, for bank account information etc.
  • Dynamic QR Codes: This is the opposite of Static QR Code. We can always change the information here cause in these kinds of QR codes mostly website’s URL provided, so one can change the content on the website whenever they want. Dynamic QR codes are widely used for marketing purpose. QR codes are an easy tool to use by customers.

Benefits of QR Codes-

  • QR Codes are very easy to use that’s why nowadays QR codes are widely used. QR Codes provides several benefits –
  • QR Codes don’t make a hole in your pockets means these are less expensive.
  • In a very small space, QR Codes have enough information that’s why it takes less space means we can save a lot of papers.
  • The use of QR Codes are totally contactless so the use of these in pandemic times like we have now is totally safe and secure.
  • QR Codes can be tracked easily via the QR codes management app and many more.

Here are some Innovative Ways for Small Business Marketing -

  • For Business Cards: A QR code can be used to create Business cards so that you won’t be limited to provide more information on a small piece of paper.
  • For Business Information: QR can be used to provide a piece of detailed or short information about your business, about your offerings.
  • For Restaurants: - QR codes can be useful for restaurants as they can place a QR code on the table when a user come then they can simply scan the QR code and can get the information about the menu and the rates so there won’t be any need of big menu cards. A different QR code can be generated for the payments too. A QR code that shows how to reach them such as a map also be generated.
  • Small Shops: QR Code for the items and their price can be generated on the bill so that whenever a customer wants to know what things are available at the shop at what price then they can easily access that information. A different QR code can be generated for the payments too. A QR code that shows how to reach them also be generated.
  • Bus, Train and Taxi Station: QR code having information about the routes and fair of the Bus, train and taxis can be generated as well as for the payments too.
  • Book Shop or a Library: At the entrance of the Book shop or a library a QR code can be stick which have the information about the books available at that place and what are the prices.
  • Cinema Halls: Cinema halls can use a QR code that can contain information about the running shows, their timing and their pricing.
  • Products Information: A QR code can be used to provide more information about a product like a piece of detailed information about the ingredients, recipe, how to store, manufacturing and expiry dates etc.
  • At Tourist places, Museums, Art Convention: - At Tourist places, a QR code can be so much helpful as it can provide detailed information about the place. So as at museums and at an art convention. At all these places QR codes can be used for entry purposes too.
  • On Fabrics or garments so that user can find the information about the pricing, material used to make that garment etc.
  • At a Jewellery shop: QR Code can have information about the price and material used to make it.
  • Books, Magazine and Newspapers: A QR code can be placed under an article in a newspaper or magazine or at the end of the book so that the readers can give their feedback or comment on what they feel about it.

Static QR Code  Dynamic QR Codes   QR Codes   QR   Benefits  some Innovative Ways for Small Business Marketing  small business  small biz  innovative  



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