Social Media and Today's Youth

Social Media Effects on Today’s Youth

Social Media is basically a platform on which one can share funny, motivational, life changing as well as important content to anyone around the world. Some of the most popular Social Media websites include Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikToK (Now Banned In India), Twitter and many more. These social networking sites are used to connect the people you know, but nowadays it is not limited to that. Social Media is mainly used for entertainment. You can pass your day by just continuous scrolling whole day.

social media and youth

Image Source : Google Image Search ( We don't possess any copyright of this image. This image used here to share the information only)

The generation which is affected most by social media is youth or we can say the millennials.  For them the show off is the only thing in their lives. They purchase new dresses to post pictures on social media, visit expensive hotels to post the story of food, they travel to make live videos on social media, and they do not hesitate to bother their parents for these expensive things. The lives of youth revolve around social media. They will post a picture and wait for hours for comments and likes, and if they encounter bad comments or less likes, then they will act like they are destroyed and nothing is left and then they will post stories to react indirectly to the comments. How crazy it sounds but it is the reality. The addiction of alcohol and cigarettes can be seen and can be cured, but what about this addiction which we take as normal and which is not normal at all. 

I am not denying the positive impacts. It has its positive sights like by joining different pages of social media of  general knowledge, daily news and international pages, helps people in increasing the knowledge of what is happening around the world. It also strengthens relationships by connecting people by chats,and video calling. It also creates employment opportunities for the youth. The apps like Linkedin helps in finding the job, now one not need to go to offices and face rejections, just one click and the options  are on the screen.

But again, the problem is that the youth is attracting towards negative impacts more. There is a solution to every problem, so there are some solutions:

  • It can be done by setting a time limit, one can set a particular time to check the social media instead of scrolling in every 5 minutes.

  • One can disable notifications from social media, it can help very much in reducing addiction . 

  • If you can't control yourself even by following the above two points then you must delete the application from which you are addicted to, it is the best option.

  • Involve in the activities like playing, cooking, reading and spending time with family. It will occupy your mind and you will think less about social media apps. 

  • Meditation is also a way to control your mind so do meditation on a regular basis , it will not only help you in reducing the addiction of social media but also help in concentrating on studies.




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