Mental Health Issues, Why It is Important, Early Symptoms and What to Do For Good Mental Health

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Most of the Western Countries and European Countries have acknowledged the Mental Health Problems and working toward better mental health of the citizens but in India, it is still a kind of taboo where people neither want to address this issue nor talked about it openly. If it comes to the attention of the people that a certain person is having mental health issues then that person is treated like he has gone mad. If a person is suffering from any kind of mental health issue, it does not mean that he has gone insane. There are various types of mental health issues that need to be addressed. In today's world, addressing this issue becomes even more important as the COVID-19 pandemic has made the issue even worse. In this Pandemic, people are under stress due to various reasons, and this stress is worsening the mental health of the people. In such a situation it becomes even more important to talk about it.

What is Mental Health?

In accordance with World Health Organization (WHO), being mentally healthy means that a person is aware of his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, is productive and is able to offer meaningful contributions to society. Additionally, Mental Health encompasses "the development of intellectual and emotional potential, subjective well-being, "ability to be autonomous, competence, and intergenerational dependence".

What are Mental Health issues or Disorders? Or Mental Health Definition -

Mental Helath Issues

It is defined as the ability of an individual to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance the quality of life while minimizing the risk for mental illness. Our ability to carry out these activities is the key to mental health. Mental disorders can be defined as health conditions that may affect or alter the cognitive functioning, emotional responses, and behaviour associated with distress or damaged functioning. Mental health is attached to numerous lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, drug abuse, social connections and interactions. Therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, nurse practitioners or family physicians may help to treat mental health issues using therapy, counselling or medication. During the course of a person's life, mental health problems may have an impact on their thinking, mood, and behaviour. Mental health can be affected by a variety of factors, including genes, brain chemistry, trauma and abuse, and family history of mental illness.

Importance of the Mental Health:

For a person, mental health and physical health are correspondingly important. Mental Health problems often increase the risk of many physical health problems such as diabetes, heart, blood-related problems. Vice versa of this is also true. So, it’s important to have good mental as well as physical health. When people are in good mental health, they can:

  • Become all that they can be.
  • Face life's adversities.
  • Put in a productive effort.
  • The community benefits from their contributions in meaningful ways.

What are the Initial Signs of Mental Health problems?

If a person be subjected to these below mentioned early signs, then these signs can be taken as early signs that the person is going to have mental health problems –

  • If a person started to withdraw himself from the people and regular activities.
  • If a person started to Eat and sleep excessively or insufficient.
  • When someone starts to feel tired or depleted of energy.
  • No matter how hard you try, you will feel numb or indifferent.
  • Anxiety and discomfort that is unexplained.
  • Having a sense of helplessness or hopelessness.
  • Started or increased consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and drugs.
  • Having unusual feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, anxiety, or anger.
  • Anger or fights with loved ones and friends more often.
  • Problems in relationships caused by mood swings.
  • Feeling as if you can't get rid of persistent thoughts and memories.
  • Imagining that things are true when they are not.
  • You're contemplating harming yourself or others.
  • Not being able to carry out daily chores like taking care of your kids or going to school or work.

What causes the Mental Health issues?

A mental health problem can be caused by various factors. There are various factors that can put you at risk of developing mental health problems, including –

  • Financial Crisis.
  • Experiencing early adverse life experiences such as trauma or abuse early in life (e.g., abuse as a child, sexual assault, witnessing violence, etc.).
  • A person's experience with other ongoing (chronic) medical conditions, such as cancer or diabetes.
  • Psychological imbalances are caused by biological factors.
  • Drunkenness or drug abuse.
  • Being lonely or feeling isolated.

Types of Mental Health Issues:

People may suffer from mental health problems for a short time period or long time period. There are more than 150 mental health issues out of which some are mentioned below –

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Adolescent Development, Amnesia, Anorexia Nervosa (eating disorders), Antidepressants, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Anxiety, Asperger Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Child Behavior Disorders, Child Mental Health, Dementia, Depression, Emotional Health, Mood Disorders, Narcissism, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychiatric Disorders, Psychological Stress, Schizophrenia etc. 

Keeping your mental health in check requires the following actions:

  • Consultation with a professional if necessary
  • Communicating with others.
  • Positive thinking.
  • Engaging in physical activity.
  • Making a difference in others' lives.
  • Adequate sleep is essential.
  • Enhancing your coping skills.

Yoga Asanas or Poses for Mental Health:

Yoga is often recommended by doctors for mental health along with medication. A number of Yoga poses or asanas have enormous benefits. There are certain benefits of Yoga for Mental Health such as - Calm your mind, improve focus, boost confidence, increase patience, etc., Yoga can raise your mood, your confidence, your self-esteem and calm your body. Some Yoga Poses which helps to attain better mental health are as follows -

  • Garudasana (The Eagle Pose)
  • Anjaneyasana (The High Lung Pose)
  • Natarajasana (The Dancer’s Pose)
  • Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose)
  • Vriksasana (The Tree Pose)
  • Chakrasana (Circle Pose)
  • Adho Mukha Vrksasana
  • Savasana (The Dead Body Pose)

(Note – Always practice the Yoga Asanas under the supervision of a trained Yoga Teacher.)

Mental Health Issues Conclusion:

The physical and mental health of an individual is directly related to each other. Therefore, it's important to focus on both. Whenever you encounter someone exhibiting any of those early symptoms as mentioned above, you can provide them with support so they can start overcoming their mental health issues. Taking action on this issue is long overdue. You don't need to shy away from the stigma of mental illness and the people who experience it.

Mental Health issues   why Mental health is Important   Early Symptoms of Mental Health Issues   What to Do to For Good Mental Health   Yoga Poses for Mental Health   What is Mental Health   What are Mental Health issues or Disorders   Mental Health Definition   Importance of the Mental Health   What are the Initial Signs of Mental Health problems   What causes the Mental Health issues   Types of Mental Health Issues   Yoga Asanas or Poses for Mental Health   Mental Health Issues Conclusion  



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