Everything About EVM Machine and EVM Vs Ballot Paper

Introduction Of EVM Machine

Electronic Voting Machine


Introduction: EVM machine ie Electronic Voting Machine or Voter Voting Machine. It is an electronic device that facilitates faster recording of votes under the voting system. This Electronic Voting Equipment is made up of two units. Like - the control unit and the second polling unit, etc., both these units are connected with the help of a cable of about 5 meters. At the time of the polling system, this control unit remains with the Presiding Officer or Polling Officer while the balloting unit is kept inside the voting compartment.

Instead of issuing the ballot paper to the voter, the officer sitting near the control unit presses the ballot button, after which the voter can vote very simply by selecting the name of the candidate of his choice on the balloting unit and pressing the blue button against the symbol. Could With its help, a maximum of 2000 votes can be recorded at a time.

This device was first used in India in May 1982 in the 70 Parur Assembly Constituency of Kerala State. While later, after the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, the process of voting in every Lok Sabha and State Assembly election in India is done with the help of an "Electronic Voting Machine".

History of EVM Machine:

EVM or Electronic Voting Machine is considered to be the mainstay in the electoral process, it was first conceived by the Election Commission in 1977, under which the Electronic Corporation of India Limited, Hyderabad was entrusted with the task of designing and mainly developing it, It was then developed as a prototype in 1979, which was demonstrated by the Election Commission in August 1980 to representatives of political parties.

Subsequently, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore, another Public Sector Undertaking division in India was incorporated under which the manufacturing work was started after a comprehensive agreement with Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL), Hyderabad.

The first electronic voting machine in India was invented by "MB Hanifa" in 1980, and was registered by the Election Commission on 15 October 1980, naming it an "Electronic Operated Vote Counting Machine". This modern electronic device was displayed to the public for the first time in India in a government exhibition organized in six cities of Tamil Nadu.

The process of making it started with the help of Electronic Corporation of India Limited after it was brought to the public under this government exhibition organized in Tamil Nadu. After that, it was used for the first time in the year 1982 which was done in the Parur assembly constituency of Kerala. It was observed that in 50 polling stations in Kerala, first of all, votes were cast through EVMs.

Types of EVM Machines:

EVM machine is an extended equipment, probably after 1979, it has been developed a lot and it has been expanded into three types:

1. M1 EVM:

The EVM machine which has been used before the year 2006 was named M1. Under this, these machines are capable of providing voting services for up to 16 candidates at a time, which was the beginning of very low vote counting.

2. M2 EVM

EVMs in use after 2006 are designated as M2 which can combine four ballot units together to accommodate a maximum of 64 candidates including NOTA and can also be used with a control unit.

3. M3 EVM

The name of M3 EVM machine is one such advanced machine after 2006, working since 2013. under which 24 ballot units can be linked together to accommodate 384 candidates including NOTA. The M3 is a modern electronic device that runs on a 7.5 V power battery. Simply it must be used with a control unit. In this machine, on the right side of the BU with the vote button, numbers 1 to 16 are marked in the middle for the guidance of visually impaired voters.

That is, these devices are connected to more than 4 BU button controls which are inserted into the power pack in the 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th, and 21st balloting units.

The Election Commission of India introduces M3 EVM Tracking Software (ETS) as a modern inventory management system where the identity and physical presence of all EVMS / Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) are tracked on a real-time basis. M3 EVMs have a coded digital verification system in each machine, which is essential for keeping the two-component units together. There are multiple layers of seals to ensure that this device is a tamper-proof one.At present the cost of this machine is at least 17 thousand rupees.

Working of EVM Machine:

As we have mentioned above that the EVM machine is a modern electronic voting machine that is made up of two units, one of which is the control unit or the control unit and the other is the balloting unit or the voting unit. Both these units are connected to each other with the help of a cable of 5 meters. Under its functioning, the control unit is kept with the presiding officer or polling officer, and the second unit, the balloting unit, is kept at a safe fixed place inside the voting compartment, voting compartment.

Instead of issuing the ballot paper to the voter inside the voting compartment, the polling officer in charge of the control unit issues a unanimous vote to the voter by pressing the ballot button on the control unit or control unit. Thereafter, the voter can easily select the candidate of his choice and the election symbol on the right-hand side by pressing the blue button on the ballot unit.

Ballot paper VS EVM Machine :

Under the Indian election system, the election process is done by both EVM machine and ballot paper.

Let us tell you about Ballot Paper Vs EVM Machine today.

EVM Machine Vs Ballot Paper


1. Ballot Paper: Ballot paper is said to be a sheet of paper that is mainly used during the election process. Prima facie it is an offline election system. The election of the President in India is done by the same process even today, During the election process, the names of the contesting candidates and their election symbols, and the name of the election party are written on the ballot paper in a listed manner in a common language.

While voting, the voter has to stand in front of this paper and vote by stamping the election symbol of his favorite representative. In this way, a representative is elected through ballot paper.

2. EVM Machine : It is a modern electronic voting machine. It is a digital way of casting votes under the Indian election system. Earlier, some paper was used to cast votes, during that time a lot of paper was used.

And now with the help of the EVM machine, more votes are cast in less time without any paper. In which there are two units that are connected to each other with the help of a cable. Through this machine, the voter has to press only one button in front of the name of his favorite representative and his election symbol, which is a very simple process, and with the help of this, more votes can be registered in less time.

Advantages of using the EVM election system:

According to the ballot paper, election by EVM is beneficial in many ways and it is also considered as an accurate election system. Under which no tampering can be done. Apart from this, it also conducts elections in less time and at less cost than the election system by ballot paper.

So let us tell you in detail about the advantages of the election system by EVM machine in comparison to ballot paper today:

1. EVM machines can be easily moved from one place to another as compared to ballot boxes. With the help of this people can get a chance to vote even in remote areas.

2. The cost of a modern EVM machine is about Rs 17,000, which is lakhs of rupees compared to the expenses incurred under the ballot paper voting system, such as salaries of employees, the printing of ballot papers, and transport expenses for moving ballot boxes. Savings.

3. According to a mathematical estimate, about 10,000 tonnes of ballot papers (paper) can be saved by the EVM election system in national elections.

4. Under the election system by EVM machine, voting can be done only once at a time, that is, the possibility of fake voting is less, while fake voting can be done through ballot papers.

5. EVMs can preserve the results of the voting in the control unit in EVMs in the long-term memory under the election process so that votes can be counted again anytime in case of any dispute in the future.

6. Illiterate people can also be easily made to vote in the election system by EVM machine as compared to ballot paper.

7. Along with voting under the election system by EVM machine, counting of votes can also be done rapidly in less time, so that people can join their jobs and business again on time. Due to this a lot of time is saved.

8. The voting system by EVM machine can be run smoothly with the help of battery so that voters do not have any objection to voting even in such villages and streets where electricity is not available.

9. Indian EVM machine can be used for a long time, that is, it can be used for at least 15 years, from which it can be estimated that it completes the election system at a very low cost.

Introduction Of EVM Machine   EVM Machine   Ballot Paper   EVM Machine History   Electronic Voting Machine   Ballot Paper Vs EVM   EVM Vs Ballot Paper   Types of EVM   M1 EVM   M2 EVM   M3 EVM   How EVM Works   Working of EVM Machine  



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