Apiculture in today's time

INTRODUCTION:-  Apiculture or Beekeeping, Apiculture is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly made by man-made hives by humans. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard".

                "Apiculture is the scientific method of rearing honeybees." The word 'apiculture' comes from the Latin and 'apis' meaning bee. 

honey bee house











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HISTORY:- Bees are reared to obtain honey , pollen etc. It is an agro-based industry. Bees convert the juice of the flowers into honey. Honey and beeswaxare economically important as a beekeeping product. Along with beekeeping, there is a lot of inconvenience as well, because when it attacks a human being, then how many times a person has to lose his life. Therefore it is necessary to carry rescue equipment like beeswax apart from this we also need proper executive clothes, Special masks and gloves to avoid their Stings, as well as a Simple Spud, Smoke a  brush and tool kit (hammer, various nail Screwdriver, angle skew, knife, plasse, wire, Sail, handle) is used to calm bees and is not allowed in Some Countries.

honeybee comb




















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Beekeeping is practiced on a large scale ranging from domestic industry to  Corporate industries. Wax in addition to honey is also obtained from these industries. Madhu (Honey) is known as a balanced diet. More than 300 types of objects are made from wax. It is used in making medicines, candles lotions, lipstick, polishes, paints and varnishes etc. so Bees are one of the many insects in the world that can produce something that is beneficial to all of us. We obtain honey from these bees and as we all know, honey is an important food for human beings. Since ancient times, honey is used for treating several diseases, and it is an antioxidant, therefore beekeeping is another term for apiculture is a very important activity. The beekeepers mostly take care of only those bee Species whose names Start with "Apis" as they are the only species which produce honey. Common species of honey bees that are reared are as follows:-

Apis dessate:- It is a giant bee and produces about 38 to 40 kg of honey per colony. 

Apis indica:- The annual yield of honey is 2 to 5kg. per Colony. 

Apis florea:- It rarely stings and thus honey extraction from its hive is easy.

It produces about 1kg.of honey per colony per year.

Apis mellifera:- This Species has a very typical dance routine to indicate food availability, and like the little bee. Sting Less However, because of the high amount of honey produced, it is often reared by beekeepers.

The bees are divided into queen, drone and worker also. The queen bee lays thousands of eggs, the worker bee Collects nectar and the drone bee fertilize the eggs laid by the queen bee.So they gave us many types of Honey, that's very important for humans.

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