Amla: The Superfruit with Extraordinary 7 Health Benefits

Unlocking the Power of Amla: 7 Health Benefits You Need to Know

Health Benefits of Amla


Table of Content:


  1. The Wonders of Amla
  2. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) in Different Languages
  3. Nutritional Values and Facts of Amla
  4. 7 Health Benefits of Amla
  5. Amla Recipes
  6. Side Effects of Consuming Amla


From Immunity Boosting to Heart Health: The Wonders of Amla 


Amla, also referred to as the Indian Gooseberry, is a fruit that is truly deserving of the title "superfruit" because of its extraordinary qualities and plenty of health advantages. This little, hidden fruit is a versatile addition to your diet because it may be eaten raw, powdered, juiced, or even as a sweet candy.

Amla is genuinely unique due to its rich nutritional composition. It's a rich source of iron, calcium, and vitamin C—three key minerals that are necessary for sustaining our health. Amla's nutritional value is highlighted by the fact that it surprisingly contains all of these elements in one package.

Although amla is frequently praised for strengthening the immune system, there are many other advantages as well. This superfruit may improve many aspects of your health, whether you like the citrus flavour of raw amla or the convenience of amla powder. Let's explore some of the amazing health advantages that Amla provides and why it should be a welcome addition to your regular diet.


What is Amla (Indian Gooseberry) Called in Different Languages?


The fruit Amla, also referred to as Indian gooseberry, is known by many different names in various languages all over the world. These are some of the several names for amla in different languages:

Botanical Name of Amla: Phyllanthus emblica

  • Assamese: আমলুক (Amluk)
  • Bengali: আমলকী (Amlaki)
  • English: Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
  • Gujarati: આંવળા (Amla)
  • Hindi: आंवला (Amla)
  • Kannada: ಬೆಟ್ಟದನೆಲ್ಲಿ (Bettada Nelli)
  • Malayalam: നെല്ലിക്ക (Nelli)
  • Marathi: आवळा (Awla)
  • Nepali: आँवला (Amla)
  • Oriya: ଆମଳ (Amala)
  • Punjabi: ਆਂਵਲਾ (Amla)
  • Sanskrit: आमलक (Amalaka, Amalki)
  • Sinhala: අසා (Aṣā)
  • Tamil: நெல்லிக்காய் (Nellikkai)
  • Telugu: ఉసిరికాయ (Usirikaya)
  • Urdu: آملہ (Amla)


What is Amla’s Chemical Constituents? or Nutritional Values and Facts of Amla:


The nutrient composition of 100 grams of fresh Amla is as follows –

  • Carbohydrate: 10 g
  • Protein 0.80 g
  • Calories 44 Kcal
  • Fiber: 6-12 g
  • Magnesium: 10 mg
  • Calcium: 23 mg
  • Iron: 0.31 mg
  • Potassium: 190 mg
  • Zinc: 0.12 mg
  • Vitamin C: 600-700 mg
  • Minerals
  • Fats


7 Health Benefits of Amla You Should Know:


Amla, popularly referred to as the Indian Gooseberry, is one superfruit that stands out in the realm of nutrition and wellbeing. We will explore Amla's seven great health benefits, each of which adds to its well-earned reputation. Amla has many benefits, ranging from supporting digestive health to strengthening immunity, from revitalising hair to enhancing skin vitality.

We will learn about the seven amazing health advantages of amla in this blog post. Amla has acquired its reputation as a prized fruit and a reliable treatment for a variety of health issues thanks to decades of conventional wisdom and scientific backing. Let us now explore Amla's 7 health benefits –

1. Immunity Booster: Amla contains 8 times more vitamin C than an orange. It also contains polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Amla has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to all these properties, Amla is considered a Natural Immunity Booster.

2. Good for Hair: Amla, is a proven medicine for hair. It prevents dandruff, strengthens hair, and increases blood circulation to the scalp hence improves hair growth. Amla acts as a natural conditioner. Amla oil is very popular in India because it has been shown to reduce the chances of hair loss and baldness. This quality is due to the carotene content of amla, as well as its iron and antioxidant content that prevents free radical damage to hair follicles and hormones.

3. Skin Care: Amla is the best anti-aging fruit. Drinking amla juice with honey every morning can give you spotless, healthy, and glowing skin.

4. Provide Good Digestive Health: Amal boosts digestion & Amla has high fibre content and acids like tannic which help relieve constipation and make you look less bloated.

5. Keeps Heart Healthy: Amla is good for the heart as its consumption strengthens the heart muscles which results in proper blood circulation.

6. Helps to fight Cold & Cough: Amla has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make it effective against the common cold & cough. Amla is the main ingredient of Chywanprash, which is termed as an immunity booster and used for overall good health.

7. Good for Liver: Consumption of Amla is good for the liver; it provides energy to the liver which makes it function well or we can say re-energize the liver.


Discover Amla-Based Recipes for Enhancing Your Well-Being and Incorporating Into Your Everyday Eating Habits:  


Incorporating Amla (Indian Gooseberry) into your daily diet can provide you with a wide range of health benefits due to its high nutritional value. Here are several ways to add Amla to your daily diet for maximum health benefits:

1. Amla Chutney: Amla chutney is a delightful and tangy condiment that can be served with various Indian dishes. To make it, you will need:

Ingredients Required to Make Amla Chutney:

  • 6-8 Amla (Indian Gooseberries)
  • 1-2 green chilies (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional)
  • Water as needed

Recipe to Prepare Amla Chutney (Amla Chutney Recipe):

1. Boil the Amla in water until they become soft.

2. Remove the seeds from the Amla and chop them.

3. In a blender, combine the Amla, green chilies, coriander, mint, cumin seeds, salt, and sugar (if using). Blend into a smooth paste, adding water as needed.

4. Serve as a chutney with snacks or as a side with your meals.

2. Amla Juice: Amla juice is a popular and healthy beverage known for its high vitamin C content. Here is a simple recipe:

Ingredients Required to Make Ingredients:

  • 4-5 Amla (Indian Gooseberries)
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey (or sugar, optional)
  • 1 cup water
  • Black salt (as per taste)

Recipe to Prepare Amla Juice (Amla Juice Recipe):

1. Wash the Amla and remove the seeds.

2. Blend the Amla with water until smooth.

3. Strain the mixture to remove any solid particles.

4. Add honey or sugar if you prefer a sweeter taste.

5. Serve chilled as a refreshing drink.

3. Amla Candy: Amla candy is a sweet and tangy treat that makes for a delicious and nutritious snack. Here is how to make it:

Ingredients Required to Make Ingredients:

  • 12-15 Amla (Indian Gooseberries)
  • 1 cup jaggery or sugar
  • 1/2 tsp black salt
  • A pinch of cardamom powder (optional)


Recipe to Prepare Amla Candy (Amla Candy Recipe):

1. Wash the Amla, boil and make small, even-sized pieces, discarding the seeds.

2. In a pan, heat the jaggery or sugar with a little water until it dissolves and forms a syrup. Add black salt and cardamom powder for flavour, if desired.

3. Add the Amla pieces to the syrup and cook until they become tender and the syrup thickens.

4. Let it cool and store in an airtight container. These Amla candies make for a tasty and nutritious snack.

4. Amla Pickle: Amla pickle is a spicy and flavourful condiment that can be enjoyed with rice, roti, or parathas.

5. Amla Powder: If fresh Amla is not readily available, you can opt for Amla powder, which can be mixed with water, juice, or added to your cooking and baking.

6. Amla Tea: Brew Amla tea by steeping dried Amla pieces in hot water. You can also add other herbs and spices to enhance the flavour.


What are the Side Effects of Consuming Amla?


While amla is typically safe to eat, taking too much of it might cause adverse effects like upset stomach or diarrhoea. Before include it in their diet, those with certain sensitivities or medical problems should speak with a healthcare provider.


Final Words:


Keep in mind that amla is quite versatile and may be utilised in a variety of cooking applications. Amla has remarkable nutritional value, especially in terms of its abundant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Its antioxidant qualities and health advantages may also be gained by including it into your daily diet, whether you prefer it fresh, in juice, candy, or powdered form.

Adjust your intake progressively to suit the taste and any effects on your digestion by starting with tiny amounts. Anytime you have questions about a diet or a medical issue, always get advice from a doctor or nutritionist.

Amla health benefits   Indian Gooseberry advantages   Amla nutrition facts   Amla in different languages   Amla chemical constituents   Amla recipes   Amla chutney   Amla juice   Amla candy   Amla pickle   Amla powder   Amla tea   Side effects of Amla consumption   Amla nutritional value   Amla for immunity   Amla for hair and skin   Amla for digestion   Amla for heart health  



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