9 Best Motivational Books to Be the Best Version of Yourself

Sometimes going through life can be a little bit of a roller coaster. There are many ups and just as many downs as we journey through the high and low points. Life becomes a little simpler when you accept that as we pursue our goals, there will inevitably be challenges and barriers along the way. This is why a few extra sources of inspiration, such as motivational books, never hurt anyone.

The following motivational books were selected because they can fulfill this need for you. These books will challenge you to question your current perspectives and grow in unexpected ways. The following motivational books will provide you with a source of inspiration great enough to light your internal fire!

9 Best Motivational Books to Be the Best Version of Yourself:

1. The Power of Positive Thinking: by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale:

The Power of Positive Thinking

Over 5 million copies of this bestseller have been sold worldwide, and many people have adopted Dr. Peale's message of faith and inspiration to live more fulfilling lives. Besides teaching people how to achieve happiness and greater levels of life satisfaction, this book also encourages us to appreciate each day that we have.

As a result of reading this book, one develops a sense of personal power, determination, and motivation to pursue our goals with control, persistence, and power. I highly recommend it to those looking for a motivational boost in their everyday lives.

2. Mindset: The New Psychology for Success by Carol S. Dweck:


The book Mindset by Carol Dweck outlines the results of years of research. The mindset we adopt determines our success and accomplishments to a great extent. A person's mindset and how they choose to approach their goal can influence nearly any area of human endeavor.

Throughout her talk, she discusses both the dangers of adopting a fixed view of the world and the benefits of adopting a growth-oriented one. An individual with one mindset believes his or her abilities are fixed, while an individual with another believes that we can develop skills if we put the time and effort into it. An inspiring paradigm shift can contribute to amazing achievements.

3. Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Frankl:

Man's Search For Meaning

The psychiatrist gives a detailed account of his experiences living in Nazi camps, and the lessons he learned about how to survive spiritually. In his book, Frankl makes the argument that denying suffering is unreal. Yet, we can choose how we deal with that suffering and how we assign meaning to it, allowing us to move forward with renewed purpose.

Anyone can gain value from this book for any generation. Over 10 million copies of Man's Search for Meaning have been sold in 24 languages, making it one of the most influential books in the United States. This is a good motivational book for those who are interested in discovering the value of anointing suffering with meaning.

4. Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World by William H. McRaven:

Make Your Bed

If you want to change the world, start by making your bed. Admiral William H. McRaven's "Make Your Bed" book summarizes the lessons incorporated into his speech. During this speech, he shares the ten principles he learned while training with the Navy Seals that helped him overcome the challenges he faced throughout his life.

As a result of this speech, over ten million views have been gained, as it demonstrates how anyone can apply what they have learned to better themselves and others. The author recounts tales about his time in the military while offering simple wisdom and advice that will inspire readers to achieve more in their daily life!

5. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:

The Alchemist

An inspiring journey of self-discovery is the focus of Paulo Coelho's story, The Alchemist. A classic novel with millions of copies sold worldwide, it combines mysticism and wisdom.

It tells the story of a young shepherd boy who is on a quest to find treasure in the world but ends up discovering a completely different type of treasure than he had once expected. It is a book that encourages us to listen to our hearts, find our unique paths in life, and be passionate about what we do.

6. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:

Think and Grow Rich

Written during the Great Depression in 1937, this book describes the extremely effective and important steps to take to achieve financial success. Hill also emphasizes what mistakes should be avoided during this process.

This book contains some timeless information, excellent advice, and words of wisdom from Hill that have continued to be enjoyed by readers for decades. It is more than just about getting rich; it is about discovering how to achieve your goals in life!

7. The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins:

The 5 Second Rule

It is Mel Robbins's The 5 Second Rule that reminds us of the numerous ways we have been supported throughout our lives and how this should inspire us to overcome the excuses we use to impede our progress and achievement.

Mel Robbins discusses a variety of habits and entertaining stories that will teach you how to become more confident, stop procrastinating, overcome fear, and lead an overall happier life within 5 seconds. It is possible for all of us to hold back and to push forward. If you want to quickly add a positive push to your daily life, this is a terrific motivational book.

8. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson:

The Subtle Art of Not Giving F*ck

Throughout the self-help guide, Mark Manson tells us to throw out the positive thinking and stop trying to remain optimistic all the time so that we can figure out what we really need to do to become happier and healthier.

In contrast to the motivational books currently available, this book offers a refreshing perspective. With his brutally honest approach, Mark does not sugarcoat his lessons. Despite our best efforts, not every person is going to win, and Mark encourages us to accept our faults and limitations. There is considerable philosophical wisdom in this book for our modern generation. It has taught many individuals to take charge of their life and their actions.

9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Although his writing style may be preachy, this is definitely one worth reading. Readers can find a roadmap for better living in Stephen Covey's writing. In his book, he shares habits you need to adopt if you want to improve yourself and achieve greater success.

One of Dr. Covey's best motivational books ever. The principles of this book are reflected in all the other books that Dr. Covey has written. The purpose of this motivational book is to teach you how to change your paradigm from one of victimhood to one of victoriousness. By changing your habits, you will achieve success. After finishing this book, you should begin your next project. However, the most important thing is to discover the purpose of your life.

Best Motivational Books   Motivational Books   Best Version of Yourself   The Power of Positive Thinking   Mindset   Mans Search for Meaning   Make Your Bed   The Alchemist   Think and Grow   The 5 Second Rule   The Subtle Art of Not Giving  9 Best Motivational Books  



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