8 Health Benefits of Consuming Dates (Khajoor) This Winter

8 Health Benefits of Consuming Dates (Khajoor) This Winter: -

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Dates are sweet in taste and dates are chewy fruit of the date palm tree, which is scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. Dates used to be the staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. Each date fruit contains about 60 to 70 percent of sugar and also contains a high amount of fibers, depending on its variety, which makes it ideal as a healthy and an energy booster. Dates contain a high amount of iron and help to fight anemia. 

khajoor dates

Image Source: Google Image

Dates are now liked and used all over the world and also used as a natural sweetener in smoothies, juices, nutrition bars, and baked products like cakes and muffins. There are premium varieties of Dates available which are stuffed with almonds or peanut butter and other special products.

meetha khajoor dates

Image Source: Google Image 

During the winter season, eating/consumption of dates fruits are a blessing in disguise because it gives so many health benefits, that’s why it is included in daily diets during the winter season. Here are some health benefits of dates which are as follows-

1. Provide Energy: - Dates contain natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. The high energy present in Dates is the reason for this high sugar content. People around the world eat natural low-fat dates for a quick afternoon snack when they are feeling low energy to help bump up energy levels fast.

2. May Improve Bone Health: - Dates are rich in copper, magnesium, and manganese. All these nutrients are important to keep our bones healthy and prevent any bone-related issues. Dates are also rich in vitamin K. The nutrient is a blood coagulant and helps metabolize our bones

3. May Boost Brain Health: - It is believed that Dates have been found to offer protection against oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. Regular consumption of dates helps to a lowered risk of neurodegenerative diseases and better cognitive performances in older beings.

4. May Help to Reduce Constipation Problems: - Eating Dates about 20 to 35 grams every day may help to promote digestive health. It also makes stools soft and prevents constipation.

5. Improves Skin Health: - We can find vitamins C and D in Dates. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these may help promote skin elasticity. The fruit also helps to prevent other skin issues like itching or rashes. You can add a small number of dates into your diet and can see the positive results in long-term use.

6. Helps to Gain Weight: - If want to put on some weight then Dates can help you to achieve this goal, you may add dates to your diet and see the result yourself. In a study conducted on lambs, weight gain was observed around 30% due to the consumption of ground date seeds.

7. Improve Heart Health: - A small number of dates a day may result in better heart health. Dates are capable to fight free radicals and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Dates contain isoflavones which are known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, more research is required in support of this.

8. Improves Sexual Health: - The amino acids present in dates help to boost sexual stamina. As per a 2006 study, it was found that high levels of estradiol and flavonoids present in dates help in increasing sperm count and also improves their mobility. 

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