6 Superfoods To Boost The Immunity

6 Superfoods To Boost The Immunity: -

The whole world is going through  COVID-19 pandemic right now, everyone is in need of some foods that can increase or improve immunity so that human body can fight with Corona virus. So here are 5 superfoods that will surely improve the immunity: - 


Health benefits of kiwifruit

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Kiwifruit also known as Chinese gooseberry is a fruit with green flesh which is sweet and tasty. Kiwifruit is full of nutrients like vitamin C,K,E,  and potassium. Kiwi also contains a balanced amount of antioxidants and fiber. Raw kiwi contains an enzyme that helps with our digestion. Kiwifruit also helps in weight loss thanks to the fruits’ low glycemic index and high fiber content. Study shows that eating a couple of kiwis daily reduces the risk of developing blood clots. Best time to consume Kiwifruit is empty stomach in the morning. Kiwifruits  detoxify the body and the fiber in the kiwifruit  provides the required  energy throughout the day. Generally Kiwi is consumed in  raw form.  Small black seeds and brown peel of Kiwifruits are edible, though many people prefer to peel the brown layer before eating Kiwifruit.


Health benefits of TURMERIC AND CINNAMON

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From ancient times Turmeric has long been used in medicine to cure breathing related disorders. Constituted with elements like curcumin, the yellow-orange spice is now called a superfood that can help to fight cancer, depression and other ailments. Research suggests curcumin can help ward off a variety of viruses. On the other hand Cinnamon is used to boost immunity as well as used to fight  pathogens that cause illness. Cinnamon is known to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which can make it one of the best foods which develops resistance to infections. Cinnamon can be used in food as well as used to brew tea or coffee.


Health benefits of green tea

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Green tea is also known as a solid wonder food, but the catechins found in it solidify it as an important part for an immunity-boosting diet. As per  McDaniel catechin is an antioxidant which helps to keep away viruses . Especially when you’re sick, green tea greatly reduces the time of the sickness.


Health benefits of Tulsi basil

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For Hindus Tulsi is a Holy plant, which can easily be found in most of the hindus households. In Tulsi  plants have Vitamin C and Zinc in ample amounts..That’s the reason it acts as a natural immunity booster and keeps infections away. Tulsi plants have properties like  anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal which protect us from various types of infections. Extract from Tulsi leaves  increases the T helper cells and increases the activity of natural killer cells thus ultimately boost the immune system.


Health benefits of garlic

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The garlic plant is rich in various nutrients known as allicin and alliinase. In fact, the presence of allicin in garlic helps to  boost the immune system. Due to Garlic’s antimicrobial and antibiotic properties it  helps to off colds and flu,  which stops the growth of viruses, bacteria, and other unnecessary organisms. Maybe  Garlic won't stop the sickness, but it will surely provide a little extra boost to strengthen your immune system. 


Health benefits of ginger

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Ginger is widely used  for  ailments and health concerns. Ginger is mostly used to reduce  inflammation such as that seen in rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome. Though there isn’t human studies to prove these claims. Ginger is used to help with common cold and flu, but these uses do not have any scientific reasons.




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